Fighting the scourge of scareware

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Newswire, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Newswire

    Newswire Geek Trainee

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  2. jaggy

    jaggy Geek Trainee

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    Man do I hate those shits, I can always tell if they are genuine messages or not. Mostly because I've seen all of the genuine messages a 100 times before this scare scam became such a big problem.

    If the warning has any reference to any company.. IGNORE. If the warning is not written in compooterz lango it is fake. Anything flashing, anything multicolored, anything excessively written in caps (yelling at you) it's all fucking fake!

    If the message is boring and stating that your computer is about to die with an "I don't give a shit about you or your stupid computer problems, it's all your own damn fault" attitude, chances are it is a true, genuine windows system alert.

    It's like:
    YOUR COMPUTER IS INFECTZORED, EASYMac&CheezFIX found 5642 problems. Click OK IMMEDIATELY to fix these problems or go on

    Compared to:
    A fatal error has occured.
    Ur mom has made an unhandled exception.
    ErrorCode: 000x8050ccX58xc.
    Fuck-you very much for choosing Microsoft.

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