Floppy Drive won't open

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by ortizSr, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. ortizSr

    ortizSr Geek Trainee

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    My Floppy Drive is stuck and won't open.

    Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get it to open???

    Will I have to remove it physically and release the lock?? If so how do I do this???

    Herman Ortiz

    Private Information Removed By Moderator.
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Healthy habits will always give you a fresh spark of energy and a clear mind.

    12/6/2004 2:27 PM EST Monday
  2. Addis

    Addis The King

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    If you mean there is a disk stuck in the drive then try just opening up the drive by taking it apart and seeing what you can do. I don't come across these problems often so I'm not sure of this.
  3. ortizSr

    ortizSr Geek Trainee

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    Dear Addis:

    That is exactly the situation. There is a floppy in the drive, anmd I cannot release it.
  4. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Try to level the disk out with a ruler or similar flat object, perhaps.
  5. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    I'd try the following procedure:

    1) TURN OFF YOUR PC -- to avoid electric shock.
    2) Unplug the floppy drive from the PSU
    3) Use a pair of needlenose pliers or tweezers to remove the floppy, using a rocking motion

    Your floppy could be stuck due to a label which is peeling up, because the metal cover which protects the actual magnetic disc is bent or damaged, or because the small spring which slides the cover back into position has fallen out and is jammed in the gears. In the latter case, it'd probably be prudent to replace the drive instead of trying to repair it, since floppies are so cheap and the solution can be tedius.

  6. ortizSr

    ortizSr Geek Trainee

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    Dear Waffle and Anti-trend:

    Thank you for the responses.

    I will follow thru on your solutions.

    Private information removed by moderator
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Healthy habits will always give you a fresh spark of energy and a clear mind.

    12/7/2004 2:28 Pm EST Tuesday
  7. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Herman, can i suggest you stop posting your private information on the forums, as the moderators are having to remove it every time you most.

    Also, although it is polite there is not need to post as if constructing a letter or formal invitation.


    - PX
  8. Byt3

    Byt3 Geek Trainee

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    Floppy Disk.......??
  9. ortizSr

    ortizSr Geek Trainee

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    Dear Byte3:

    Your statement "Floppy disk!!!" doesn't relate any understandable message to me.

    Please the issure has been satisdfactorily answered by the previous replies, and so I thank you for posing your view.

    Herman Ortiz
    12/15/2004 2:22 Pm EST Wednesday

    Merry Xmas or Holiday days to all
  10. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    That thing that no one ever uses anymore, situated just above the power button and just below the CD rom's.

    I know, it's ancient.
  11. ortizSr

    ortizSr Geek Trainee

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    Dear Byte3:

    Thank you for a reply.

    I still do not understand the purpose of your message, but I nevertheless respect your right to air your views.

    Herman Ortiz
    12/15/2004 2:34 Pm EST Wednesday

    Merry Xmas or Happy Holidays
  12. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    lol ortizSr stop posting or "chatting" in such a well informed and formal structure, it's not a political board.
  13. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    You will have to take out of the computer and open up the screws on the side of the floppy drive.
  14. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Yeah, look at the way ProcalX types. :p
  15. ortizSr

    ortizSr Geek Trainee

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    Dear ProcalX:

    Forgive my manner of presenting my postings, but I only know how to be formal, and polite.

    I have been a BeanCounter all my life performing Audits, and never deviated from a formal presentation.

    I apologize again.
    Herman Ortiz
    12/16/2004 9:10 AM EST Thursday
  16. ortizSr

    ortizSr Geek Trainee

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    Dear Sniper:

    Thank you for the response.

    The problem has been resolved by, as you well pointed out, taking the Floppy Drive out of the system and removing the embedded floppy disk.

    Herman Ortiz
    12/16/2004 9:14 AM EST Thrusday

    P.S. Subject matter is not closed.
  17. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    The formal approach to replying is fine, but you do not need to add the date and time at the end. This is done for you along the top of the current post.
  18. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    And its forum policy to change words: "the" / "and" / a" / "yes" / "no" / for" to any of these words: johnny / finger / evil / todo / celotape / shepherd

    please amend all your posts as required..

    *Note all members with over 400 posts do not have 2 do this.

    *note, this may or maynot be true.

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