right now I'm at my advanced computer/system repairs class and one of my assaigments is to find out how to create a dual boot system under windows 2000 and windows xp. Already wrote down on how to dual boot with xp I just need to know how to with 2000 if there is any difference. I don't really need detailed instructions, I just need to know if there are any things out of the ordinary from xp. be vague, I'm tired of writing stuff!
Windows 2000 and Windows XP are the same operating system, for the most part. So if you multibooted by editing the boot.ini, yeah, the same thing applies in W2k. However, Multibooting W2k and XP would be one of the most pointless things ever (since they're basically the same). If you were to multiboot with a *nix, it would handle it's own bootloader (probably LILO or GRUB).
alright cool thanks! as of now I think I know more about hardware than my teacher. He's too outdated. As he may know more about software, he only knows windows.
Exactly. I did try it when XP was in beta, and it was a big hassle. I don't know if I've said it here, but XP=Win2k Home. BTW, we're researching and developing a Linux-based benchmarking section for future reviews. I understand about teachers being outdated on stuff. Drove me nuts. But, I'm a geek, and I'm trying to stay up to date. On the flip-side, don't ignore the teacher, as some of the older stuff may very well come in handy---which has happened to me more than once.
yeah, it's kinda cool. We're each assaigned a workstation and we have our own system assaigned to us we work on. PII, 233mhz 2gighdd mine is 160mb ram as others are 128 . We're gonna learn how to repair computers and printers, also we're gonna test around 120 computers because the class is moving to a different building and they don't wanna move dead equipment. Gonna be fun
That's the spirit; try and learn as much as possible from your teachers. There's no other point to going to school, so might as well make the best of it. I had a hard time learning from my Comp. Sci. teachers in high school too, since I knew way more than they did. I actually got hired under the table to fix PCs after hours. Well, at least that was a class I could actually get a good grade in. :swt:
yeah I'm gonna try and learn as much as I can because I'm farely weak in the whole software area. Ok, I'm really weak in the software area. We're doing a lot of work with win 98/2000 and only minor work with xp because it is 2000. my teacher mentioned something about a writing batch files. What's a batch file? Take into mind that I did not do the introductory class prior to this. So he is expecting batch files outta me!
A batch file is basically normal commands you could execute in a shell, but scripted. Here's an example: Code: @Echo off echo. echo. echo This is a batch file which will copy all of the files from FILE_A to FILE_B. echo It will then delete the contents of FILE_A, just for spite. echo. echo. echo Press Ctrl+C now to exit, or pause cls echo Copying the contents of FILE_A over to FILE_B: copy c:\file_a\*.* c:\file_b\ echo Deleting the contents of FILE_A for no good reason: del c:\file_a\*.* echo Take that, FILE_A! end Any one line of this batch file can be typed in a "DOS" shell, and it will execute. So, what we're doing is grouping a bunch of commands to make them execute one after another as one big command. If you where to take the contents of the above example, paste them in a text editor and save it as test.bat, it would actually be an executable file which you could run by typing "test" from within its path. If you don't know what a line in the batch file does, just execute that one line by itself in the shell and you'll see what it does first hand. -Anti-Trend P.S. - This is just a tiny fraction of what you can do with batch files. They're actually pretty powerful for making common tasks more efficient. In *nix, batch files are called shell scripts. They're identical in concept, but since *nix systems have a much more powerful shell than any version of Windows, shell scripts can be much more powerful than batch files. For example, I have special shell scripts called cron jobs update my system on a regular schedule. -AT
The next version of Windows (Longhorn) will come equiped with a much more powerful DOS thingy than the current one. Batch files are useful for automating simple backups but aren't seen as a programming language, still very useful though. My IT teachers are very outdated to sat the least. But they can know some useful stuff about legacy hardware etc which you wouldn't have known about otherwise, so its best to keep on your toes. minimize class sleeping time to around 10-20 minutes, nomatter how boring . Where is this class your taking anyway? In your school or as a separate institution?
It's at my school. During the summer if my mom can get some money I'm going to take computer classes to take a good whack at graduating my junior year.
Your IT course sounds cool our 'practical' lessons consist of microsoft office - using all the main programs. Our theory is decent but our teacher is outdated and goes over pathetically easy stuff.