I'm completely unsastisfied with the default Windows XP Themes, what sites offer awesome looking themes, but contain no spyware/adware/viruses? also, any other free applications available such as Window-blinds? thx for any replies
yeah I know, but im just mad because they don't let you edit the themes yourself, you can only pick from default, silver, and olive green for example, id like some black and silver, or blue w/light blue, like edit it myself, like i know about the site themexp.org but i heard they have spyware, and their stuff is really awesome
http://www.winmatrix.com/ is fantastic. Forums dedicated to the customisation of XP. Loads of tips, guides and links to get material
Yeah, sorry, themexp.org is what I meant, just forgot what is was called. I didn't mean the default ones. I d/led a few off there and now spyware for me, and if you do SpyBot S&D will probably do the trick
hey, there is one really really kool widows xp theme site, there is loads of stuff on, like windows blinds, web blinds, sysmetrix, suits, longons, bootskins, desktop backgrounds, screensavers, and more. its called wincustomize, i dont know if any of you have heard of it, but its one of the best theme sites out there, i dont think it is just for windows xp tho. i think, if you not registerd, you have somthing like a 50mb download limit, things like window blinds, that themes my desktop, are free, but you cant use all the fetures, like change the skin colors, unless you upgrade to pro, wich costs, sysmetrix is good, that puts a little bar on your desktop, telling you cpu usage, incoming and outgoing traffic, HDD storage capacity, and more, you can also download more sysmetrix skins. www.wincustomize.com most of the stuff on wincustomize is from stardock central. www.stardock.com