hard disk full

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by tavio, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. tavio

    tavio Geek Trainee

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    hey I have a Maxtor 200gb H/D and it says ive used 186gb already with only 104MB space left even though everything is new I've had my computer for probably two weeks already. so there is no way it would be full with the programs and files i have atm.
    I did recently reformat my hard drive and installed Windows XP sp2.

    any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
  2. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    Sounds to me like a partitioning error. Anyone second that?

    I think this because perhaps the majority of the HDD may be in a seperate partition set to hidden...

    EDIT: Strike that... If Tavio scrolls over the drive in question in My Computer and it says the total size is near enough 200ish GB then it's not a hidden partition.

    Here's an idea - Go to C:\ and move the cursor over Program Files and check what the overall size of the folder and its contents is. if it's a reasonable size for that you've got installed, do the same check on your My Documents folders. Keep doing this on subfolders of program files and my documents until you find a ridiculously oversized folder. Your culprit could be in there.

    Wouldn't ignore the possibility of a duplicator virus that clogs up your hard drive with useless data either...

    Opinions anyone?

  3. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    When you buy any new HDD, it displays the less amount of Space in your computer then told by Manufacturer always.... So you dont have to worry, 186GB is the actual space you have on your hdd which u can utilize....
  4. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    Karanislove, you may have read it incorrectly. Although I do see how easy it would be to misunderstand it. But yeah, if it's saying Tavio has only 104mb of disk space left then something's definitely wrong if Tavio hasn't installed so much data.
  5. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    My Bad....Thanks NeloFroster for correcting me.. :good:
    @Tavio, can you please tell me how you have arranged your 200GB HDD and how you are checking that your drive is full??
  6. tavio

    tavio Geek Trainee

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    yeah I understand that 186gb is the actualy memory than the 200g what im saying is that my hard drive has used 186g already with only 104mb space left. i have half of the programs and files i had before so its impossible from what i installed to actually fill up my hard drive. and i didnt find any folders or anything that was taken up all that space.

    scratch the first line didnt see new posts.

    for one thing a pop up came up telling me my HDD was full. I tried to defragment the HDD and it showed me how much memory is left and how much has been used. defragmenting the HDD didnt work either.
  7. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    RIghtClick MyComputer > Manage > Disk Management
    Can you please provide a "Print Screen" image of it please?
  8. tavio

    tavio Geek Trainee

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  9. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    Is it me, or wouldn't a single hard disk have "boot" in the health field rather than just "system"? Doesn't this mean that the boot partition is hidden?

    EDIT: And Tavio, have you tried what I wrote about putting the cursor over important folders to determine the sizes in case you come accross an overly large folder? It's a tedious process, I know, but worth a try in my opinion...
  10. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    I doubt if Travio has installed something that big and doesnt know about that, coz even if he has installed lots of softwares, 186GB is unlikely to get filled by them....Unless he has copied big movies or songs...

    Is there any Partition handeling software like Partition Magic, u've installed on your system.....? If no then check your system from viruses...
  11. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    Also Tavio, do you use Windows Media Centre to record freeview programs? The amount of space that feature uses to record video to the HDD is absurd on higher settings.

  12. tavio

    tavio Geek Trainee

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    ok i figured it out. It was fraps videos that took up all that space lol. The problem was that I'm guessing it was on auto record so it would capture videos and it did it for a while yesterday while i was playing. and out of those 10 videos it was 156gb. thanks for the help.
  13. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    Glad to have helped :)

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