My hardrive stopped working. It was already a peace of trash. So I got a new 80 gig drive. So now I wanna use it but I dont have the windows install disk for 98,xp, or 2000. So I download windows XP as an ISO file and burn it as a bootable disk so when my pc says enter a Operating System disk I can use it. SO I use the XP disk and it doesnt work. What can I do to use my new hardrive. Can I hook it up with my super old 2gig drive and put the same Operating System on it??? If I can then I will then just use the 80 gig. SO how do you do this lol ... ...SO BASICALLY I need a bootlegging way of using my new hardrive without a windows install disk... If i hoook up both hardrives will it automatically install da windows that i have on my old drive?
Well, without a legit copy, you're really not going to be able to install the OS. Yes, there are ways to get around that, but, since it is definitely illegal to do so, we can't have links or how-to's here. If you have a drive with an OS on it, you can try hooking it up, booting into safe mode and uninstalling all the devices and then rebooting, but that's still not a guarantee things will pan out smoothly. Basically, if you don't have the legit OS, this is about the best you can get here.
Can I get linux then install windows xp???? How do you transfer from one drive to another???? I turned on cd boot and it said ndrsl sometthing error restart pc now when i tried to install the windows xp
How old is your CD-ROM? I'm not sure, but it's starting to sound like either the drive is going bad, or it's old enough that it's not capable of booting a CD-ROM. Or are you getting into the XP startup (blue dos-like screen)? As for running Linux and XP, yeah, you can do that, but you'll need a partition for each. Install XP first, then put on Linux.
My cd rom is brand new I bought it like 7 months ago......and I figured out how to do it...I went to It says some install cd's dont work because da hardrives blank so thers no way to read the disk. So i gotta use 6 floppy disk and it will install the xp. Is linux better then Xp???? and who is linux made by?
Linux is better than XP but not as use friendly. It's hard to setup but sort of easy once you got all the junk in yer trunk.
Linux was created by Linus Torvalds in the early 90's. It's free and you can make any changes you want to it and publish it, as long as you don't charge for it. (You can make apps for Linux and offer service at a cost tho). If you want, you can make you're own distribution of Linux (or distro), but that's a whole nother thing in itself. On the flip side, there is a learning curve as it is a different OS. You're also not as likely to walk into a store and find a host of titles for Linux. They can be found, but not as easily. However, finding something for Linux is still easier than finding stuff for the Mac it seems.
That's ridiculous. The system will boot off the first thing it can find, but if it can't find anything, you'll know. I can disconnect all my hard drives, pop in the XP CD and it will boot off of it. The floppy disks are there for situations where the CD-ROM or motherboard is too old to support booting off the CD-ROM. Just enough info is packed onto the floppies to get the setup going.