Hi , I have a Seagate 320GB Sata HDD. Few days ago my nephew restart my PC directly from cabinet. I thinks so the problem occured from that day. Problem: Supppose i click on My computer it takes some time to open and in title bar(Not responding) is shown. For each task same things happen even it takes a lot of time to start. I observed that when HDD led on cabinet stops blinking then computer dont respond....as soon as it start blinking again the computer start responding. It happens frequently causing a headache. Please tell me what should i do ?
Thank you sir for your reply......Due to that problem i connected my old 80GB pata HDD.So copy some data i reconnected SATA again it was working fine for an hour after that it again started freezing but less frequent as it was happening earlier. Earlier i had tried to open it in safe mode but i was unable to do so ......what should i do by opening in safe mode.
First, I'd recommend backing up all your important data! it it could be a sign of hard drive failure. The reason for booting into safe-mode was to see if the issue was related to software. Try this software http://www.passmark.com/products/diskcheckup.htm it tries to predict HDD failure.
Sir i had already used seagate tool for HDD failure, it showed no error. i think HDD has any internal physical problem.I guessed it.......
Now i m stuck.........i was trying to format but it took 3 hr to copy only 15%.........so i stopped it .What should i do whether i should go for replacement.