HDD problem

Discussion in 'Linux, BSD and Other OS's' started by Willz, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Ok, since i d/c my DVD-RW, i can now use both my HDD's in linux, when i installed Kubuntu, i did not have my second HDD connected, it's connected now, but when i go into storage media, the HDD ain't there, how do i get the HDD to show, do i have to go into some sort of Device manager and give it a drive letter like in windows?
  2. Addis

    Addis The King

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    You probably need to mount it, its very likely that its detected.

    Try starting qtparted (install it with apt-get install qtparted) to see your drive structure. It might be called hdb, hdc or hdd depending on which cable/IDE channel you put the drive on.

    Then, use it to format/partition it if you need to.

    You then need to mount the partition to a directory. Make a dir , for example:
    mkdir /mnt/hdb
    mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb
    Where hdb is your HD's name and 1 is the number of the partition you want to mount.

    I'm not sure on how to use the automount thing that Kubuntu/Mandriva uses, so thats the manual way of mounting partitions.
  3. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    so every time i logg onto Kubuntu, i gotta mount the drive?
  4. kenji san

    kenji san Geek Trainee

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    no, to permanently mount you need to edit your fstab file. Luckily, kubuntu has easy instructions on how to do this.

    Some linuxen have the ability to do this with a simple GUI but ubuntu left that out. Sorry, but you have to do the leg work. Just be happy you are not installing gentoo. :x:

    Learning Kate and how to edit config files is a good thing but it just takes some time to get used to.
  5. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Man kubuntu really does seem crappy, cant download apps from websites, cant use that GUI thing above^, Kubuntu seems to suck really bad :(.
  6. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    :) Its not windows. You've got more choices than you could imagine with Linux.

    fstab is a basic file, give it a try.

    I once read something saying how comparing windows to linux is like comparing a motorbike to a car. They do the same thing, use engines and wheels etc but there is no way they are similar. Linux is a motorbike imo :)
  7. kenji san

    kenji san Geek Trainee

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    and HERE it is. Good article.

    I found this one too.
  8. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    I don't really like the sound of this Repository thing, are all the apps in there from different publishers etc.. or are they all small crappy apps made by the devs of Ubuntu?
  9. kenji san

    kenji san Geek Trainee

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    no, it is all unix software although I'm sure the ubuntu team does have some stuff in there. Linux, BSD, unix and the like are called POSIX compliant which means that they are loosly compatable so software written for one POSIX theoretically will run on any other POSIX system. At the core of the software, they are mostly the same but must be PACKAGED for the OS.

    A package is made by someone. First they would compile the source code for whatever specific OS and hardware it is meant to run on and then set up an installer to put everything in the right place (there are some minor variations in where things get installed between unixen). Then they "package" it all up with a list of all it's required dependancies and put it on a server for your enjoyment.

    This is why there are different packages and package managers between different OSen, although the software itself is not any different. Unix OSen have been around for a VERY long time and there are thousands of programs written for it. All of it can be made to run on linux, BSD, solaris, etc.

    This is a very simplified explaination but its all I have time for right now. It's a start. :cool:
  10. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    Another reason why linux is so good really because you can update these invidual packages which make the linux distro one by one.
  11. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Wierd, i am sure i have seen AT&T on some phones before :s
  12. Addis

    Addis The King

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    AT&T used to the biggest phone company in the US, they had a monopoly which has been reduced in modern times.
    You've still not grasped Linux yet, its very different from Windows. Yes, you can actually download apps from the internet, example, go to Limewire and download the .deb version of Limewire, and then install it.

    Packages are not necessarily applications, they can be single files, libraries, required packages for others. For example, libdvdcss2 is a package needed to play CSS encryped DVDs, but its not an application, only a library.

    Repositories are extremely important to have an upto date system, no need to go to a website to download something when you can just type "apt-get install dvdshrink". Of course, not all available software is in the repository, so sometimes you need to download the package, or even compile it from source code.

    To have a partition mounted on boot, you need to add something like
    /dev/hdb8 /media/secondhd
    There are more options available for you to put, so google it for more info.

    Kubuntu isn't that great, and personally I find it inferior to Mandriva which is also user friendly with a lot of wizard GUI programs to make administration easier.
  13. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Were is the .deb version exatly?

    In the taskbar at the bottom right it says i have 103 update packages available, should i install them?

    Have you ever compiled anything from source code? if so, is it really hard?
  14. kenji san

    kenji san Geek Trainee

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    simple version
    1: download tar ball and extract
    2: cd into the directory that the tar ball made
    3: ./configure if needed
    4: make install && make clean
    5: done

    Is that easy? I don't think it is too bad. Back when I used Vector linux, I had to install from source a lot and it was really routine for me. BTW, Vector linux package repositories are TINY and slackware packages aren't much better.

    There are many resources on the web that show you how to compile and install from source so don't use my version. :p
  15. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Couldent use your versions anyway :p don't really understand it.
  16. kenji san

    kenji san Geek Trainee

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    that depends... blindly updating software can break things because of dependancy problems. If you are using office ubuntu repositories only, then you are safe, if you are using unofficial repos, then I wouldn't recommend it.

    Better to see what is out of date and if you need the new version. If it is not necessary to update (like major upgrade, security patch, new feature you must have), then don't.
  17. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Hmmm, i haven't set repository's up yet or anything, i gotta get HDD stuff sorted before that anyway.
  18. Addis

    Addis The King

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    I would recommend you update though, sooner or later you should since security issues may have been fixed, by the way, Kubuntu would have set up the security repositories already.
  19. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    yea but no point yet coz if HDD issues ain't fixed i ain't going to be able to have linux.

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