Recently this problem is becoming more frequent.Driving me crazy!!! 1. Computer (WinXP home) locks and cannot end task, must power down 2. Computer powers up goes to Splash screen with choices of keystrokes for recovery or setup. Keyboard does not work Finally, in despiration, and swallow my pride, called tech support..and of course, Inda, where else? This is the fix, nothing els is wrong...Power down, remove all cables inc power cable, push power button in for at least 1 min. Reconnect cables, works fine How can I prevent this?Never had this on any other computer, is this an indicator of something starting to fail? OS? or Hardware? Appreciate any input. Vidman
1.) Hit up Windows update if you haven't yet (or for awhile). 2.) If the keyboard is USB try a PS/2 one instead, and vise versa
thats strange problem! maybe you could clean out the pc? sounds stupid I know! or unplug the devices you dont need all the time to see if it helps!