HRD (hard rectangular drive) A SSD Killer?

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Newswire, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Newswire

    Newswire Geek Trainee

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    I’ll spare your the technical jargon, but this is a very interesting idea indeed. Simply put, the platters are plates that oscillate on heads which are built in, there are 1000s of heads on the surface made of a semiconductor material(nano tech diamond sheet) and any one of them can read/write independently. Also realize that the movement is very, very small. An easy way to envision this is that instead of having large circles which each have a head, think of it as many, many tiny squares which each have a head. It really targets an in between market, its cheaper than an SSD, not quite as good, but MUCH better than a typical HDD. It actually achieves higher data rates than that of some SSDs, but uses a little more power in the process. It is suppose to have as good or better reliability vs a regular HDD. Where SSDs have a given number of read/writes and the drive is useless. A neat advantage HRDs have over HDDs is that sectors are arranged in rows/columns rather than having to make them fit on a circle.


    Very cool, very cool, regardless if it will actually trump or compete with SSDs it is very, very cool. However, you have to wonder, there is no such thing as a friction free material, while this said diamond sheet would do VERY well, its still not free of the constraints of physics. I do understand the movements are very small, but then there would be the noise. Would it buzz? hum? yell obscenities? who knows.

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