Installing XP onto a Fresh HDD

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by thhancock3, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. thhancock3

    thhancock3 Geek Trainee

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    Hi everyone

    Ive bought my new computer and now i need a boot disk in order to install xP but they all seem to cost something , are there no free ones

    I also have an old HDD on my new PC with windows 2000 on and i can install XP from there but that means i need it in order to boot up and it is very noisy so I dont want it on all the time (only use it for backing up files)

    any help is greatly appreciated

  2. thhancock3

    thhancock3 Geek Trainee

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    woops I forgot to mention that its a SATA drive
  3. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Hmm why do u need a boot disk? The way a WinXP CD works is u can do everything u need right off the CD. If it's a FULL version of XP then u can install it onto a totally blank HD, without having another HD with an OS present either. And with no help from a boot disk. U just gotta change your BIOS settings to boot off the winxp cd. Go into your bios and make your cd rom your primary boot device or whatever that's called. Then exit bios (save changes), comp will reboot, if the winxp cd is sitting in the cdrom drive it will launch its installation utility thingy or w/e u call it and u'll be good to go.
  4. thhancock3

    thhancock3 Geek Trainee

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    Thanks everyone for your help

    Couldnt have done it without you!

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