hello: I have a custom pc with this specs: abit a17 motherboard, pentium 4 with 3.0 GHZ, 1.25 GB of ram, two hard drivers of 80 GB each one, sound blaster 5.1 live, ati radeon x700 agp and windows xp sp1. I try couple times to install this chipser software, everything goes right but when the pc ask me to reboot, my wireless keyboard and mouse stop moving for unknow reasons or only move from left and right or vicerversa. also my video card have a option called SMARTGART that include 4 settings: current agp speed, fast write, agp write and agp read. which all are off. i heard that in order to use the max capacity of my video card when playing 3d games this settings must be turn on. i wonder if this software have something to do. thanks for you help.