Internet Problems

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by RBaldwin, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. RBaldwin

    RBaldwin Geek Trainee

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    OK here is the deal, my internet was working fine this morning but when I got off work(8 hours later) it mysteriously stopped working. The interesting thing is I still have an all the right number's in Network Connection Details. And it says it has sent over a 1 million and received over 3 million Bytes, even after disabling and re-enabling. However when I go to open up IE it says the page cant be found. Outlook Express also doesn't work. Nothing at all that requires internet including my games(WoW, Spellborn, etc...) do not work.

    I have PC Doctor Spyware and Anti-Virus running nearly 100% of the time. I also use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software, which found nothing that fixed the problem.

    I have reinstalled the motherboards Ethernet drivers.
    I have rebooted cable modem and wireless/LAN router.

    NOTE: I have a 2nd computer plugged into my router that is working fine. Which eliminates a bad router. I also have a LAN setup between the 2 computers which is working, I can connect to the other computer and transfer fine. I just cant access the internet on my main computer.

    This raised a few questions
    1) Could my Onboard Ethernet be going out or bad? And if so, Why would I still be able to connect to my other computer through my LAN but not get internet access?

    2) Ok, maybe it's a virus of some type? I've read a few things about it happening to other people but cant find a cure yet through 2 antivirus/spyware programs. NOTE: I am connected right now to the internet on my main computer using a 54Mb USB connecter and its working fine... So it cant be a virus.

    Could something else be corrupt that I dont know about? If you need any info that could better help out just let me know I will check back periodically throughout the several days.
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    the solution could be simple, typically it could be a bad port on the router, so try another port, one you know works (RJ45 connection)

    also try replacing the ethernet cable with a known working one
  3. RBaldwin

    RBaldwin Geek Trainee

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    Thank you for your quick reply! :) I tried an extra cable I got lying around and that didn't work. I also tried the 3rd port on my router and still nothing. Dang. :(

    This seems so strange, out of the blue no internet but my LAN between my 2 computers still works... I dont get it.
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    [ot]tell me about it, if i'd have known how much trouble computers could be, i nearly regret getting involved with them (almost)[/ot]right this could still be a faulty NIC, but failing that it could be (more likley) you need to clear the local DNS cache by running they 3 commands
    ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /flushdns
    ipconfig /renew
    in the order displayed, what this does exactly is: release all IP's (deassign them) necessary for clearing the DNS cache, then comes the actual clearing and finally we renew all IP's (reassign all IP's)
  5. RBaldwin

    RBaldwin Geek Trainee

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    Awesome! Thank appears to have been the culprit. :) As I'm not sure exactly what happen(Pretty sure my 2 year old son was doing something while I was at work that messed it up.), I want to thank you for you quick responses and help. I hate playing MMORPG's on the 54Mb wireless connection, there is an obvious lag lol. My wife plays with me and since I was wireless the last few days I noticed about a 1 second delay on the voice chat from hers and mine, which are usually equal.

    Anyway didn't mean to ramble, thank you and keep up the awesome work I appreciate your help. :)
  6. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    ramble all you want, after all i am still a person, & i don't wanna be just good with computers and crap like that, besides, i'd much prefer to have a laugh, it's kinda a pain in the ass me with all this crap floating around my head

    Edit: it wasn't anything, having to clear the local DNS cache happens at times
  7. RBaldwin

    RBaldwin Geek Trainee

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    Hey hehe, well I dont understand. It worked for about 10 minutes, then it seemed like it was getting slower and slower until it finally wouldn't load anything from the net. Had to plug in my wireless 54mb usb again, drat :(

    I dont understand lol it was working good for a little bit then poof... I tried it again the 3 ipconfig commands in order and still nothing.
  8. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i'm on it, hopefully i'll have a permanent solution soon

    BTW: i'm now taking it personal & it isn't just your system i want (need) to learn stuff to help people out
  9. RBaldwin

    RBaldwin Geek Trainee

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    Thanks I appreciate it!
  10. RBaldwin

    RBaldwin Geek Trainee

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    I'm thinking about just buying a PCI Ethernet card and pluggin it in, Hopefully that will work. If the USB wireless is working on here then It leads me to believe something whack has happened to my Onboard Ethernet *shrug*

    They aren't very expensive so I'll give that a shot.
  11. RBaldwin

    RBaldwin Geek Trainee

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    Problem fixed, apparently my on-board LAN was going out. I purchased a $7 dollar TRENDnet PCI 10/100 Ethernet Card and all is well. Problem solved for 7 bucks.
  12. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    :good: glad you fixed it :doh:
  13. Puters21

    Puters21 Geek Trainee

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    I also getting the same problems when the weater is bad, raining and so on. But we are living in mountain area...

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