Internet Rip Off

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by mikegml, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. mikegml

    mikegml Geek Trainee

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    I'm being ripped off by someone. I don't know who but I've got to find out.

    My monthly internet bill from Vodafone is usually about £25 but last month I had a bill of about £80 and this month a bill of about £90!

    They were pretty hopeless when I queried last months bill and only by persevering this time did I get more info as to why I've suddenly run up these large bills.

    Basically, I'm being charged £12.77p by someone at regular intervals. It happened 5 times during January and 6 times during Feb.

    They couldn't tell me who was charging this for 'data protection reasons' and in fact I'm not sure they know who it is and I've no idea who it is either.

    It’s not some credit card/debit card rip off but seems to be some service that Vodafone assumed I’d signed up to, the charges going directly onto my internet usage bill.

    Any ideas as to the best way for me to investigate this matter? I’ve not signed up to anything knowingly that would charge this.

    Any advice appreciated.
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    either you have a mobile internet phone or a WAP somwhere, and it appears some naughty person or persons may be stealing your bandwidth (time on internet)

    i recommend you to switch channel & review the devices security settings
  3. mikegml

    mikegml Geek Trainee

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    I surf via a USB dongle, which uses as you may know a phone sim card, can't be piggybacked off one of these can I?

    My 'wireless' switch is usually off but sometimes I switch it on accidentaly when operating adjacent controls, don't know if this could have enabled someone to somehow log onto me at sometime. I know there are wireless connections in range of me.

    I have an exact list of the dates and times when these £12.77 transactions took place and they stretch over at least a six week period so it's not a single incident thing.

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