Internet Telephony

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by neerajcd, Mar 17, 2002.

  1. neerajcd

    neerajcd Geek Trainee

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    Is there a way to use Internet Telephony to get somebody else connected to the internet where internet services are not available. i.e. I dial using internet telephony to a distant place and than using Network connection (Broadband) allow other person to use the net as well.
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    I think it would be possible, but it would cost allot! as it would be a long distant call for the other person!
  3. neerajcd

    neerajcd Geek Trainee

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    But I want a Solution

    Thanks for your reply but a mere Yes or no will not help me. Please give me a something more comprehensive. Thanx.
  4. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Hmmm...the closest thing I can come up with is Internet Connection sharing, but I'm not sure how that would do over modem-to-modem connections. I can't really give much info as I've never really played with this stuff, or had the need to.
  5. syngod

    syngod Moderator

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    I can't think of any similar protocols except for RAS which would only provide dial-up speed and I'm not sure if it will allow for internet telephony or if it only alows traditional dial-up but I'll check on it.

    Where are the places located you'd be thinking about setting this up as anywhere in North America you should be able to get a high speed connection anywhere through the use of sattelite.
  6. neerajcd

    neerajcd Geek Trainee

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    I live in India

    Sorry for being late. Actually I live in India and braodband net is not available evrywhere.

    So I wish to try such a possibility. Thankx for your help.
  7. Katin

    Katin Geek Trainee

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    Have you ever tried using skype? with it you can easylly dial any phone

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