Is this memory any good???

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by sciroccosven, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. sciroccosven

    sciroccosven Geek Trainee

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    PNY - Optima 1GB PC2-5300 DDR2 DIMM Memory - D1GX53OPT

    Its cheap and faster than what I have. I dont really want to spend much on my system beyond what I have done but I wouldnt mind having 2 gigs of ram. Let me know what you think of this stuff. As long as it posts and runs at the advertised speed I will be happy. I dont plan on overclocking.

    With tax it comes out to around 90 for 2 gigs.

  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    yeah, it's ok, but personally i only use Corsair

    you could have a problem matching it to your current RAM

    the speed of the RAM isn't the problem, as with car tyres the maximum speed may be 130mph but it will function @ 40mph fine

    however, you can use PCWizard to discover the CAS Latency (tCL), CAS to RAS (tRCD) RAS Precharge (tRP) & Cycle time (tRAS)


    look at the image

    Edit: you have to match the settings of the new RAM to the settings of your existing RAM
  3. sciroccosven

    sciroccosven Geek Trainee

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    Sorry, guess I should have cleared this up. I am getting two sticks of these and dumping my current ram. The two gigs of ram will be identical. It seems to be rated well on newegg and if it doesnt post then back it goes :)
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    well, yeah, it will work with no problems

    :doh: i should have noticed, sorry, but it's good news :good:
  5. sciroccosven

    sciroccosven Geek Trainee

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    Alright, sitting in my car....... I bought it cheaper than newegg which is a suprise...

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