Large whirry noise

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by Bozzy, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Bozzy

    Bozzy Geek Trainee

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    A couple of weeks back, my computer started making a whirry noise whever the processor seemed to be working (for example, loading up a program)... Basically, my computer seems to have slown down because of this.

    Any ideas of what it could be?

  2. 8bitbob

    8bitbob Geek Trainee

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    Whats the specs of your computer?

    Try defragging your hard drive.
    Also make sure theirs no fluff and dust clogging up your cpus heatsink.
  3. Bozzy

    Bozzy Geek Trainee

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    Thanks for the reply.

    I am going to start defragging now. However, I really don't how to see if there is any dust clogging up my CPU's "heatink" :confused:

    Can you maybe help me out finding this:

    I've got an HP M7570 btw:

    Intel Pentium D - 3.40 Ghz
    2GB DDR2 Ram
    2 x 320GB Serial ATA II 7,200 RPM
    nVidia 7600 GS

    I don't know what any of those specs mean by the way...

    This PC just needs to keep me going until the summer, when I can either upgrade it (if you think it is worth it), or get a completely new PC for about £3000 at the most
  4. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    Any kind of whirly noise is most likely coming from a fan..I suggest you open up the case and check your processor fan...
  5. 8bitbob

    8bitbob Geek Trainee

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    £3000!!!! i don't think you need that much :)

    mine cost £600(self built) and runs eveything perfectly :)

    Have you opend it up atall?, you might be able to pinpoint where the sound is comming from.

    Also while you have it open check for dust and fluff build up on fans and heatsinks.
  6. Bozzy

    Bozzy Geek Trainee

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    Do I need some sort of protective gloves (for static)?

    What am I looking for exactly? Will the proccesor be ovious?
  7. 8bitbob

    8bitbob Geek Trainee

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    hi, it should look something like this

    Attached Files:

  8. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    No gloves needed.. just take off the side door if your case has one,Then plug everything back in, and start it up.. Now you should be able to pin point the problem..
  9. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Yeah don't worry. You should exercise caution, but really it's not easy to get electrocuted while reaching in there. You'll be fine.

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