Leaked Document shows British Government National Idenity card Coercion Plan

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Impotence, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    From Slashdot

  2. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    that stuff is scary, especially because our government wants to do the same thing.
  3. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    in a perfect world, i'd agree with having ID cards would be a good idea, however, we don't live in a perfect world & i think the UK (& US according to Swansen) government is obviously trying to create a perfect world by introducing ID cards, this is, in my opinion, is a bad idea

    we already have to prove every :swear:ing thing in the UK, as far as i'm concerned they can bo11ocks

    not nuff said

    Edit: it's true that if you've nothing to hide you should be i favour of such a plan, but, as with anything there are always around stuff, like for example in UK they introduced Chip & Pin for paying for stuff with a debit / credit card and that turned out to be disastrous as the news pointed out

    now nuff said

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