Yes, that lovable fuzz ball, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has reportedly come out and said that he believes Linux infringes on Microsoft's intellectual property, according to ComputerWorld. In a question-and-answer session after his keynote speech at the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) conference in Seattle, Ballmer said Microsoft was motivated to sign a deal with SUSE Linux distributor Novell earlier this month because Linux "uses our intellectual property" and Microsoft wanted to "get the appropriate economic return for our shareholders from our innovation." Okay, prove it.
I seriously laughed when I read that... Just like in the SCO case, they don't have any concrete proof. If they do, then I would challenge them to give the exact file and code which infringes on it. Ballmer is technically incompetent, and so there would be no chance of that anyway.
Yeah, I don't think they have a case without pointing to a specific piece of software or code. From what I can tell, Ballmer is a FUD machine. He's definitely upper management. Unlike, Gates, who put his neck out to build Microsoft, it's people like Ballmer that drive companies into the ground. From what I've seen, admittedly, only what hits the news, Ballmer doesn't seem to really have a real grasp on the technology and software his company produces. I think he's in the wrong business by the way he talks. He should be in politics, as he's adept in mudslinging.
What does Ballmer actually do? He's the CEO of a huge corporation like Microsoft. He's technically incompetent, he doesn't know the first thing about technology, or even politics for that matter. If it wasn't for the fear of being decapitated by flying chairs I don't think he would have had a job as long as this.
What does he do? I'm not sure. I know he provides idiotic statements and ammo for comedic guns...but I'm pretty sure that's not in the job description. While I'd be happy to own Microsoft stock, I'd want him out of there for making such a fool of himself. In another company, he might be better. However, with him in the helm, I think Microsoft is going to either be more of a joke, or start getting really nasty over petty issues. I haven't followed Microsoft's stock, but I can't help but wonder if he knows what he's doing. Like it or not, Bill Gates actually knows how to code. I'd be surprised if Ballmer could manage basic HTML. Bill Gates first goal wasn't world domination, despite the jokes. Ballmer has one goal: monopoly by all costs. Ballmer didn't start Microsoft, not to mention didn't start with Microsoft. It's not his baby like it is to Gates. Gates isn't going to be haphazard with it. You're not going to think of Gates saying "I'm going to fucking kill him." about another company's president or CEO. Now, I'm not suggesting Gates was a god, but you don't see the aggression blowing out of him like with Ballmer. Ballmer has dollar signs in his eyes; Gates actually gave a crap about doing what's best for the company, not simply the investors.
I think Steve Balmer is a wonderful man, respectful, well mannered and intelligent. Just what you would expect in a Microsoft CEO. and to back it up, here's my proof: Steve Ballmer
but really though, what was he thinking, like i doubt he was on drugs so why in the hell would you do something like that. That video used to crack me up but now its just kinda depressing, its like yeah, that what leads microsoft, really now people.