Microsoft Changes Live Search to “Bing”

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Newswire, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Newswire

    Newswire Geek Trainee

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    Bing, its Microsoft’s new effort to battle the giant Google. They have spent in the area of 90 million dollars on an ad campaign promoting Bing. Their goal here is not to go head to head with Ask, Yahoo, or Google, but to convince people of all of what they have been missing. Even though its Microsoft own data, they have figured that 42% of all searches are unsuccessful in the first query. Microsoft’s answer to this is their “related categories”, for example if your searching for a game, you might find prices, reviews, and other related information in the related category.


    Oddly enough, i found it in ad-words above my inbox. Also not so sure of the “decision engine” slogan, to me it sounds like they are trying to take the searcher out of the equation, how ever that works. However, it does seem fairly interesting, and they are making the jump straight to the whole “media search”, where as Google right now has their different labs in which features like what Bing includes are offered. So, will Bing revolution internet searching and topple Google? who know, maybe, but more than likely not..


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