My friend steven desperately needs a new hard drive. Windows tells him theres a critically low amount of disk space left. Even a 10gb will be a huge relief for him!
*new thread created* I'm looking at stuff under £50, and I found a Samsung Spinpoint SP80 80GB drive for £41.99 inc VAT over at Dabs, which seems to be about the best deal. That or a Seagate 80GB for the same price.
I'd go for the Samsung! have you tried your local store? also you maybe wana call your local pc store to see they have this WD200GB in stock for £50!
also you might wana check out has some great deals, this is my local computer shop/store
oh well! it was a special offer at PC World! I've seen some very good offers at pc world! you should check their site now and then!