Mp3 Player issue

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Marcus_X, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. Marcus_X

    Marcus_X Expert N00b

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    Hi there and welcome to another "problem" topic created by me :)

    I've got a creative muvo tx mp3 player and have always used this without too much trouble, after I had to buy a new motherboard and did a clean windows install I haven't been able to synchronize the device with windows media player.

    When looking in Windows Media Player -> Options -> Devices -> Muvo TX -> there is an option thats called: "Convert Files as ment for this device (recommended)" or something like that (translated from dutch) whenever I did this in the past everything worked normally, but when I try it now the conversion progress bar in Media Player just sticks at 0% If I turn this option off I can copy files to the device, but it doesn't seem to work properly with that.

    On the supplied cd with the product there is another music program called creative media source (i think) but I haven't installed that since I find Media Player easier to use. I can't imagine that program has certain plugins that come with installation specially for converstion tasks, or does it? I had in on my computer before but removed since I didn't like it, could the plugins have stayed?

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