here's my problem. i have a hp compaq cq45 notebook with vista home basic. the other day there was a thunderstorm but i left the lan cable plugged onto the notebook. the next day i found that there's no more lan connection, it shows that the cable is unplugged. now i tried restarting the system and the same problem persist. is it possible that lightning fried the lan port of the notebook? or is it something wrong with the cable? i also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver of the ethernet port. if the port is really fried wouldn't the computer not be able to find the hardware? is there something else i can do to check on it?
Hi, go into device manager and look under networking adapters check to see if there is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to the lan controller also check the device to see if it's "working properly". If there's no exclamation mark and it states the device is working properly the LAN controller is not your problem, it's something else.
yeah thats what i did. as i said, i deleted the driver from the device manager and reinstalled it, the computer found it and installed the driver without any yellow exclamation mark, thats y i was wondering y its not working. maybe its something to do with the cable, i'll have to call my ISP and have my cable checked.
first i'd try replacing the cable (possible coincidence) then i'd try the lappy at a friends house after eliminating those as being the problem i'd then turn to tho router and modem (unless combined) of try borowing a router / modem to test with
thanks guys, it turned out to be the problem of the router(got fried), the ISP people got it replaced and now i can connect no probs. thanks for the reply and suggestion