Need help with gaming upgrade.

Discussion in 'New Build / Upgrade Advice' started by Will2597, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. Will2597

    Will2597 Geek Trainee

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    I am looking to upgrade to be able to play games like Skyrim and Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning.

    I have a HP p6624y Specs on the box says:

    AMD Athlon II 635 Quad-Core Processor
    8GB DDR3 Memory
    1TB Hard Drive
    ATI Radeon HD 4200
    Windows 7

    Here is a link for more specs from hp if needed and shows a pic of the tower:

    I am a noob when it comes to hardware upgrades, I apologize in advance.. I'm sure I will need a graphics card but not sure which one and do I need a new fan to support the extra heat from the card or possibly a new case with more than one fan. How about my motherboard, processor, and ram?

    If anyone can help I would appreciate it.
  2. NumbWarri0r

    NumbWarri0r Geek

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    Did you buy this to be a gaming machine? If you did it was a waste of money.... the only components in this rig that are decent are the CPU, HDD, and optical drive. You WILL need a graphics card and bigger psu. Since you need a new PSU, you may need a new case. Some computers that you buy at the store only support their brands power supplies. So you may need a new case. I would also recommend getting better RAM, if you're looking for a gaming machine I would get 8GB+ of 1600MHz RAM (only about $35 for this). Your current motherboard doesn't support this type of RAM so... if you wanna upgrade the RAM time to get a new mobo. Let me know if you're actually looking for a gaming machine, and how much you'd be willing to spend in upgrades. Also not to sound like a douche, but you need to post this topic <---- there.
  3. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    Thread moved to New Build / Upgrade Advice forum. Thanks NumbWarri0r for noticing :)
    NumbWarri0r likes this.
  4. NumbWarri0r

    NumbWarri0r Geek

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    No problem, just trying to help :D

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