new HD question

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Goliath, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Goliath

    Goliath Geek Trainee

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    i purchased a new HD around a week ago but i didnt install it yet. i've been wanting to set up my new hd (160gig) to run windows and my current old hd i wana run linux. how would i go bout setting that up.
  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Well, you want to install Windows first and then transfer everything over to the new drive. You can install Linux first, but I've just found it's less of a hassle to install Windows first. I would also back up your important data, just incase you ally screw up your formatting prodecure (Better safe than sorry!).

    I don't know which distro of Linux you're looking at, but Mandrake is one of the easiest to setup. There's one other that's easier to setup, but the name escapes me at the moment. Anti-Trend would know for sure, as he's more or less the resident Linux guru here.
  3. Goliath

    Goliath Geek Trainee

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    i have RedHat 9 already so i was going to install that
  4. Goliath

    Goliath Geek Trainee

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    oh man i f*****d up

    i set up my HD no problems. i booted my computer, installed the WD hardware. then it asked me to choose is i wanted the new HD as a boot or storage device i said boot. thats when it started to copy the files from my old drive to my new one. when it finished the WD data lifeguard tools said i needed to restart my comp. i clicked ok. and my computer booted down. when it tried to boot back up. it couldn.t do anything. it would load the very first computer screen and then go to the options of starting windows normally or safe mode or from my last known good configuration. i tried normal, then safe then last configurations non of them worked. i tried to pop my windows restore CD so that i could fresh install and nothing happend. i tried to run the WD boot cd nothing happend on that. i had to shut down my computer and disconnect the hard drive in order to boot it up from the old drive.

    how can i fix this. please help.
  5. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    have you tried it so the new HD is the only HD in your system?

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