Hey everyone I am thinking of switching over to Linux and I am completely new to it so I am going to need some advise for choosing what distro and such to get. I am a web developer, I mostly code in PHP & Javascript so I will be needing a platform to do testing with. I will probably need a program with a syntax highlighter makes things easier to code... thats about all Also going to need some form of media player and ftp program. I was thinking of going with Kubuntu I hear it is a decent Linux Distribution. Any other suggestions?
Hello, and welcome. Any Linux distro will be able to do the things you want to do. Kubuntu is fine though I personally think Debian "Etch" might be better, despite the fact that they're fundamentally quite similar (*ubuntu is based on Debian). Debian is the more stable/powerful of the two, and Kubuntu's probably more user-friendly, depending on your technical background. But that all being said, the differences between Linux distros aren't as great as the differences between Windows & Mac OS, or even OS 9 and OS X. If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to submit them here.
For your needs Kubuntu should be fine, it's a little easier to use than Debian although both are good. If I were you, I'd wait until Thursday as K(Ubuntu) Feisty Fawn 7.04 will be officially released, after testing a beta of it, it looks very easy to use. KDE is the desktop environment of choice for your needs, Kate is a great text editor for loads of syntax highlighting features and indentation. Also on KDE is Amarok, which is hands down the best music library/player in existence.
Or download a daily build CD, so you won't have loads of updates to install. BTW, where on earth is the Release Candidate? I have a feeling Feisty will be late.
i can recommend Kubuntu (personally i'm using 6.06 Dapper) i've never used Feisy but i will be changing to it after tomorrow[ot]although if mega's right about the delay, i'll have to wait a bit longer[/ot]it's not easy swapping from Win, but if i can change to it anyone can[ot]cos i've got brain damage[/ot]Edit: BTW: before deciding which distro to use you can try some of them by downloading a LiveCD of a distro and boot from the LiveCD[ot]it doesn't change anything on you current system[/ot]BTW: some other distros you may be interested in:PCLinuxOS, Mandriva or take a look at DistroWatch for many many more distros Edit: Pioneer is also easy to use, as it's based on (K)Ubuntu, although the latest release is still in beta (alpha 2), but you could also try Debian which (K)Ubuntu is based[ot]there are a lot of distros to choose from thankfully[/ot]
I know that Ubuntu/Kubuntu come packaged with a crap ton of software, not sure exactly, but Mandriva's powerpack comes bundled with developer software. That said, its not hard to find coding software through a package manager. Regardless of what distro you choose, for a beginner i would recommend getting something above a basic level package as it will only come with light user type software.(i.e. Mandriva's case Discovery=light user software, Powerpack=Advanced user software) Thats at least what i've found anyways.