Newbie at computers

Discussion in 'New Build / Upgrade Advice' started by Ryan hall, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. Ryan hall

    Ryan hall Geek Trainee

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    I just need to know if these specs are any good.
    Prossecor:Amd 8120 zambizi 3.1 ghz eight core
    Mother board:Asus m5a78l lx+ am3+ amd 760g micro atx
    Psu:Corsair builder series 600w
    Case:Roswell destroyer atx mid tower
    Ram:Corsair vengeance 8gb 2 sticks of 4gb
    Hard drive:Seagate barracuda 500gb 7200rpm
    Gpu:Xfx double d hd 679x hd 6790 1gb gddr5
    If u have suggestions I'm on a $600 to $650 budget
    This is ment for gaming
  2. Invidia

    Invidia Geek Trainee

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    It looks like a perfect gaming pc.. Especially the AMD Zambezi cpu..
    Altough i would take a 750/800Watt PSU.. If ever you consider upgrading or whatever.


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