No -5V output from PSU, yet still working

Discussion in 'Power Supplies and UPS's' started by twinpawer, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. twinpawer

    twinpawer Geek Trainee

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    I have a power supply tester that tests each line of a PSU for the correct rating (voltage). From all the lines, all LEDs are lighting up, except for the -5V. Yet, the computer is still working correctly. I double checked the PSU tester with another PSU, and this one had all lines working correctly including the -5V, so the PSU tester is working well.

    What is the -5V line used for? Do I really need it for the computer to run correctly? What can go wrong if I use the PSU which is not outputting -5V on that line?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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    Here's some debate on it.
  3. twinpawer

    twinpawer Geek Trainee

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    put some light on the topic :) So I presume there's no need to worry for not having a -5v line on my PSU.


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