Nvidia Hybrid SLI

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Swansen, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    NVIDIA Pioneers Hybrid Technology for the PC

    Nvidia Hybrid SLI was introduced as Nvidia's Link-Boost technology, in which Nvidia certified components automatically overclocked components. Well, its build on all that and more, allows switching from a single GPU to dual GPU processing without the user having to do anything. As well, this equates to power savings, also when two cards are not needed, ie watching videos, or just idle, a second card is not used.
    Yeah, so thats all sweet, for sure, and definitely gives SLI and edge over Crossfire, but something i would like to see. Is an automatic switch out of SLI when you want to use a second monitor, in SLI configurations, SLI must be disabled in order to use your second monitor.

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