SATA (oh dear not more new technology ) is a strange concept to me. As I understand it you must first intall sata drivers to use a sata HDD wait a minute how do I install them if cant use the hdd yet? Basically how does one go about installing and using a sata drive.
It's not the drivers for the drive. It's for the SATA controller. All current Windows OSes do not come with native SATA support, and therefore a 3rd party driver must be provided in order to recognize the controller. Once that's done, Windows will recognize the SATA hard drive. If you want to use it under your current Windows install, you install the SATA device and driver and then format and assign a drive letter to the drive. For Win2k/XP to install the OS on the SATA hard drive, you'll need to have a floppy with the SATA controller drivers on it, and hit F6 when the OS starts the initial loading of drivers (at the very beginning of the whole install process). The installer will prompt you to provide drivers soon after. Once you've fed it the driver, the install should proceed as normal.