OpenSUSE 10.3 released

Discussion in 'Linux, BSD and Other OS's' started by Wouter, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Wouter

    Wouter Big Geek

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    For anyone that cares, OpenSUSE 10.3 is out.

    Here is all the info:
    openSUSE News » Blog Archive » Announcing openSUSE 10.3 GM

    A couple of members on the Linux forum (where I am a moderator) have already installed it, and so far they are all very positive about it :)
  2. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    I must confess I have dumped Kubuntu/Ubuntu for OpenSUSE in the last few weeks! I was becoming annoyed by the lack of graphical administration tools in Kubuntu and enough was enough when I couldn't share a printer over the network in Gutsy Gibbon.

    OpenSUSE was my first love of Linux so going back to this distribution is like a home coming. I've missed the YaST administration tool and I love the new SUSE features like the Kickoff menu and One Click Install.

    So goodbye Ubuntu, it was fun while it lasted but I prefer openSUSE now :cool:
  3. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Thanks for the news Wouter, I may try it in due course.

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