Overheating Chipset

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by Witwikki, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. Witwikki

    Witwikki Geek Trainee

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    Hey everyone at hardware forums,
    yet it me again with another technical question, you guys have been so much help in the past, just want to thank everyone first for reading, and helping me on my last post. To the question, I have a ASUS P5W DH Deluxe Motherboard, and one of my chips on it are overheating, or atleast i think it is. The motherboard CPU Temp reader reports this (screen shot below)
    Now, I believe this is the gold chip on my board, the one with the ASUS logo on it my bf its just the south bridge and north bridge i don't know, though if thats the case my motherboard and cpu are cool, i just wonder what that other temp is my HDD's are not overheating either. thank you everyone for reading :p
  2. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    HEY! Welcome to HWF :D

    I was only aware of the two (CPU and MB) temperature sensors onboard, i;m guessing the third sensor is a custom one?
  3. Witwikki

    Witwikki Geek Trainee

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    Well, im not sure you make a good point because on my ASUS reporter it only shows motherboard and CPU temps, im not sure what this one is, but as I said before people have said it to be the two south and north chips and when i touched them it was a little warm, almost like it shouldnt be that temp,
  4. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    if this is a custom probe it may be picking up the temperature of the northbridge heatsink (the one next to the cpu), with asus motherboards especially it always operates hot (too hot to touch) so maybe the probe is touching the northbridge heatsink (or near it) that would explain the high temperature, the only way to check is to open the case and check for them and see what its connected to

    I would have suggested the heatsink to be warmer than that tho, had you just turned on the pc within the last few minutes?

    i see you have HDD1 and 2 probes, i would guess this is a custom probe also, assuming your mobo supports them
  5. Witwikki

    Witwikki Geek Trainee

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    I think its just the hard drives that have them inside it, because I have no special heat detectors on my HDD, would my monitor card make it warm? sorry.... im just not sure why its so hot, argh
  6. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    well as i say, the most common probes are the two MB (mainboard) temps and cpu temps, to have a third sensor is rather unusual and my best guess is that you may have a custom sensor plugged into your motherboard (again, if your board supports it)

    your video card shouldnt be hot under any circumstances (apart from fan failure), the only thing that gets hot to the touch is the northbridge, the southbridge doesnt usually get warm at all (no reason for it too) so i cant see where this probe is getting its information from (unless, agan, its a custom one thats touching some part of your system)

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