problem with second HDD installing

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Gr0m, May 1, 2007.

  1. Gr0m

    Gr0m Geek Trainee

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    Hi all!
    I have Zida ZX98 Mainboard (yeah, old indeed) with two IDE channels. IDE1 have 40GB 5400 Maxtor and IDE2 - DVD-RW.
    I'm trying to install second HDD 20GB 7200 Maxtor.
    I think I'm doing everything right - jumpers, cabels, BIOS detection BUT I can't make everything work together (40+20+DVD).
    I can detect the devices in BIOS but when I start windows (XP) I can't see the device which is slave... for example if IDE1=40GB HDD and IDE2=DVD (master) + 20GB HDD (slave) I can't see the 20GB HDD (in win).
    What can be the problem? The cable is 40pin IDE (at least I think so).

    ps> sorry for my english :O :D
  2. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    May I suggest you set up your IDE drives as follows:

    Primary IDE channel
    Master = 40GB hard drive

    Secondary IDE channel
    Master = 20GB hard drive
    Slave = DVD-ROM drive

    You should explicitly set the jumpers on all devices to either Master or Slave due to the age of your motherboard.

    Note you may need to initialise the "new" hard drive in Windows Disk Management before it displays in Windows Explorer
  3. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    i take it your 20gb hdd is new? if this is a problem it is odd that bios finds it and windows does not, so the only solution is that you need to partition that new hard disk and format it

    goto control panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Disk Management. your 20GB drive should be listed somewhere in the right panel, right click your drive and click "create partition" or something like that

    hey presto :D

    if you cannot see the drive there may be a problem with the jumper settings on one of your drives. should be:

    IDE1: C: (MASTER).
    IDE2: E: DVD /CDROM (slave) 20GB (MASTER)
  4. Gr0m

    Gr0m Geek Trainee

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    Yeah, I did this and the result is the same -> can't find the Slave device.
    The jumper settings are OK

    The 20HDD is second hand and it is formated and working. Without any bad sectors and etc.

    If: Master = DVD Slave= 20HDD I can't find 20HDD (the slave again).

    Maybe there is something with my BIOS (AMIBIOS) settings. The BIOS is old...
  5. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Try setting the jumpers on both devices on the second IDE channel to Cable Select (CS). Make sure that the 20GB hard drive is connected to the end of the cable, and the DVD-ROM is connected to the middle of the cable.
  6. Gr0m

    Gr0m Geek Trainee

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    btw I'm using 40pin IDE cable. Is it possible to be the problem?
    What is the difference between 40 and 80pin?
  7. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    correct me if im wrong megaced but i believe the 80pin is for the UDMA130 but the 80-pin works the same way as a 40-pin unless you have the faster hdd
  8. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    A 40 pin cable is not able to transmit data beyond ATA-33 (UDMA/33). An 80 pin cable is required for anything faster, such as the current standards of ATA-100 and ATA-133. However, a 40 pin cable can still be used in these situations, but you'd be stuck at ATA-33 speeds.

    In answer to your question, Gr0m, I don't think the 40 cable is responsible for the hard drive issues. Unless the connector in the middle of the cable is damaged in some way.
  9. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    and ATA 66

    yeah, a 40 pin cable will work with ATA 66 (including ATA 100 & 133) but would be restricted to 33Mb per second (ATA 33's maximum speed)
  10. Gr0m

    Gr0m Geek Trainee

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    0 this the only solution:

  11. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    did you try what i said.. about the partitioning ?(nothing to do with format).. its the only viable solution thats left, short of windows currupt (unlikely)
  12. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    if you stay with Windows, YES
  13. motorheadbiker

    motorheadbiker Geek Trainee

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    i had the same problem with my 40gb fireball2 maxtor drive.. the drive is getting detected fine in BIOS but wen i go to windows there r no drives displayed.... as in, i dont find the drive partitions.. but wen i go to device manager i can see my 40gb maxtor drive in disk drives.. so wen i go to computer management, that inactive drive had a small cross mark.. when i right clicked on it, and wen the menu was displayed i clicked on i guess its enable or active not sure... but only that particular option was available rest of them were greyed out.. now i am able to use my drive as usual...

    so is ur drive getting detected in device manager > disk drives???
  14. Gr0m

    Gr0m Geek Trainee

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    It is not about the partition. When I put both HDD to master and the DVD to Slave. I can see the disks in windows and everything is OK. BUT i can't see the DVD.

    The problem is that I can't see my slave device in windows at all but i can detect it in BIOS...

    @motorheadbiker > no, my device manager didn't detect it.

    I'm thinking: If the cable is bad (broken wires etc.) is it still possible for the BIOS to detect it? I'll try to change the cable...

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