Problem with XBOX 360 Sound

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by rehan786, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. rehan786

    rehan786 Geek Trainee

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    Hey, sorry if ive posted in the wrong section..

    I wana buy this for my Xbox 360, so that i can hook it up to my PC screen for the display.. | Xbox 360 - Xbox 360â„¢ VGA HD AV Cable

    But, i dont have a Dolby Surround thingy, could someone tell me how i could possibly hook the red and white wire up to a there some sort of converter or crossover cable so that i can use my PC subwoofer :) subwoofer only takes the green looking normal audio wire which you would normally find..(sorry, im not too good with audio terminology)
  2. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    The red and white wires are just for a stereo connection. You can connect them both to your tv (left and right audio).

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