Question on BIOS Update

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by hiway, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. hiway

    hiway Geek Trainee

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    I am using Intel's D865GLC that suddenly stopped showing onboard 'Network Adapter' in device manager. When tried to install a pci lan card, it refused to configure it properly, and hence cannot access internet or network. Someone adviced to to update bios which failed with the following error message:

    "This program is unable to continue. Intel Express BOIS Update cannot find all of the necessary associated BIOS files to perform the update with."
    No help or support is available on intel's web site.

    Any ideas what has gone wrong. Thanks in advance,
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    try disabling the onboard NIC & what mobo are you using ?
  3. AJAI

    AJAI Geek Trainee

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    Just try out the following. Hope it will work.

    1. Open device manager and select "VIEW" tab.

    2. Click on "SHOW HIDDEN DEVICES". Now I hope you can see your NIC.

    3. Right-click on it and select "UNINSTALL" , after uninstall reboot your pc.

    4. While log on you may see a "NEW HARDWARE FOUND WIZARD" , then insert
    your driver cd in the drive and continue installation.....

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