Questions about new CPUs

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by talker1106, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. talker1106

    talker1106 Geek Trainee

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    I was thinking about upgrading to a new CPU for the next generation of games to come; Crysis, UT 2007, etc. I already upgraded my video card but I'm think I need more processing power. I just have a few questions because it is the only part of a computer I have not replaced or upgraded. Should I transfer into a 64-bit CPU or is the technology too soon or unstable? Do you prefer Intel or AMD? How easy is is to replace a CPU? Should I replace my current one? Thats about it, thanks in advance :)
  2. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Hi, most cpu's that come out now ar 64-bit, and there are operating systems for them such as 64-bit windows, but the problem with 64bit windows is not everyhting is supported by it and there are driver issues with it and some stuff doesent work with 64-bit windows yet, its motly for companys at this stage i think.

    So your going to be moving onto a 64bit cpu for sure, but keep using 32bit operating system.

    At the moment Intel is currently the king of the hill with there new cpu's (Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quadro)wooping every AMD cpu on the market, AMD was previously the best for gaming but Intel is now, Intel is best for most things at moment, but we'll have to see what AMD has got lined up.

    I see you have an old Pentium 4, you cant just switch your cpu, you have to check tos ee if your motherboard supports it.

    What socket is your CPU, 478, 775?, what Motherboard do you have?
    to check all this about your computer use something like SiSoftware Sandra.

    I am guessing that you will have to upgrade your motherboard aswell for a new CPU judging by what CPU you currently have.

    Also your graphics card may have a hard time running those 2 games too, might get by with medium settings, allthought that what i am hoping for with my card lol, so you may be able to run on high, but i doubt maximum

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