Random System freezes - please help

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by arithosa, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. arithosa

    arithosa Geek Trainee

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    This is the first system I've built in a few years, so I'm a bit rusty.

    CPU: AMD Phenom II 810 (quad core)
    Mobo: Jetway HA08
    Memory: 2x1gb Patriot DDR3 1333 (PC3-106666)

    At random times, the computer will freeze and become unresponsive. Even the mouse pointer is frozen. I have to hit the reset button and reboot.

    I can make this happen faster by running some calculations and maxing out the CPU.

    It happens in both Vista and Linux, so it's not software.

    I've run memtest several times and no errors are found.

    Temperatures all look good -- nothing is getting particularly hot. Memory sticks are barely warm to the touch.

    I've tried different combinations of memory sticks in different slots and I think I've narrowed it down to the dual channels: If I put both sticks in channel A instead of A+B, the system becomes stable and there are no freezes. Of course I lose the dual channels this way so obviously this is not the best solution...

    Do I have a bad motherboard? Bad memory? Anything else I can try to narrow it down? I'm hesitant to mess with the memory timings in the bios because they match up to what's on the packaging (9-9-9-24, 667 clock, etc).

  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Well, how long did you run Memtest?
    What are you using to do the CPU calculations?
    What power supply do you have?
    What temps are you seeing for the CPU and northbridge and/or motherboard?
  3. arithosa

    arithosa Geek Trainee

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    I ran memtest overnight, for about 8 hours.

    To stress the CPU, I'm using the stability test in AMD's overdrive software. It runs for about 1-5 minutes before freezing. (Note, I am not overclocking anything).

    I have a new 600-watt power supply. I'm pretty sure it's good because I've tested it on another system, although not extensively. I've also used a multimeter to test the voltages and they're all within range. Also, the system is stable in single channel memory mode, which seems to rule out the PSU.

    The CPU temp never rises above 50 degrees. The motherboard chips get a little hotter, but never above 55. I've tried running with the case open and a large fan blowing onto the motherboard, which cooled everything down significantly, but I still got the system to freeze using the stability test.
  4. BoBBYI986

    BoBBYI986 Geek

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    Try increasing Vcore voltage about .1 or .2, could possibly be the CPU not receiving enough power for the calculations. The reason I ask you to raise this voltage because there could well be a problem with your PWM's, they monitor the voltage regulators output going to you cpu, ram and NB controllers and automatically adjusts them if necessary. If they have gone faulty it will most likely cause stability issues.

    Also the dual channel configuration, you have 4 dimms, try using dimm 2 and dimm 4. instead of dimm 1 and 3. could be faulty dimms.

    There can also be other issues, such as graphics card problem. could be the graphics card not processing the data received from the cpu, there for it looks like everythin has froze.
  5. arithosa

    arithosa Geek Trainee

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    Thanks -- I tried increasing the core voltage but it didn't help. I also switched out the graphics card -- same problem.

    Anyway, the motherboard died unexpectedly today. It won't post, and the little debug LCD next to the bios chip is giving the code for a corrupted bios boot block. Resetting the CMOS has no effect.

    I'm going to buy a replacement and see if that doesn't fix things. I'm hoping it was the motherboard that was bad all along, and not some other component that killed it. :eek:
  6. highstar

    highstar Geek Trainee

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    its the ram problem one of your ram is bad ..

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