recompiling software

Discussion in 'Linux, BSD and Other OS's' started by donkey42, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i've being trying to recompile Swiftweasel $ Swiftdove to work on Windoze for about a week, because, my dad uses Windoze & he'd be better using recompiled *nix software than IE & OE which he uses now, i've tried telling him but he won't even download & use FF, so, if i get the 2 previously mentioned items installed & used as default, he won't know any difference, the only differences would be the icon & window title which i presume are easy to change (well i know any icon can be used for any program used on Windoze, very easily)

    BTW: i feel like i'm out in the cold, because, i think i've achieved a lot with *nix, but, i've not achieved much when you compare me with (no names, i've done that before & forgot a few) i probably forget more than i remember, thank god for Wiki

    please help, there is probably a GUI util that will recompile *nix software, but, i would like to know how it is done on my Kubuntu Feisty box (like the *nix version i'm using matters)

    any input anyone ?
  2. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Just install normal firefox without any of the compiling hassle, then you can change the icons with this page: Firefox Help: Tips & Tricks
  3. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    yes i could, however, i would like to know how to recompile for Win32

    i think i need fpc & lazarus and some other crap, however, i've tried installing fpc but i can't get it working, without even starting on the lazarus IDE

    BTW: i'll keep trying

    Edit: thankies anyway Addis
  4. Addis

    Addis The King

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    I wouldn't recommend it, recompiling might seem a nice novelty but for the most part you'll get an unnoticable increase in performance. Also check if the auto-update feature works in Swiftfox, because if it doesn't it means you'll have to recompile every time theres a security update.

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