Restore partition

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by gobel, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. gobel

    gobel Geek Trainee

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    Dear All,

    Could somebody help me!! i was make a mistake while i'm trying to clone ( backup) my novell system. i have overwritten my novell system with another Harddrive ( already has win98 system) so i lost all my data in primary Harddrive ( novell 4.11 ) please tell me how to restore my old partition! i use norton ghost for cloning the Harddrive.
    Thanks for your kindness

  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    I don't think it would be possible to restore it now since you have overwritten it!

    If i'm wrong someone else should post.

    Nic likes this.
  3. Fred

    Fred Moderator

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    Im with Sniper... As far as I know, you can't "restore" information that is already lost.
  4. gobel

    gobel Geek Trainee

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    What about to backup the old data? is it possible? i have using easy recovery, recover my data etc. i really really need the data ( cause it is hotel data system ) anybody knows?

    Thanks for your ASAP reply...
  5. gobel

    gobel Geek Trainee

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    What about to backup the old data? is it possible? i have using easy recovery, recover my data etc. i really really need the data ( cause it is hotel data system ) anybody knows?
    btw thanks Sniper, Fred....
    Thanks for your ASAP reply...
  6. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    I hate to say it, but there's no easy way to restore a lost partition, especially since it's been overwritten. Your data in all probability is history. There are ways to recover some data, but it's always lossy and time consuming. I hope you have backups. :(

    If the data is important enough, there are always data recovery services. They're businesses dedicated to recovering critical data. This option is only for the most critical of data though, as such services are extremely expensive and usually not worth the trouble.
  7. gobel

    gobel Geek Trainee

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    So there's no wayout. Thanks a lot for replying Anti-Trend... I'm really aprreciate it ;)

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