Retrieving files from old harddrive

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by efx2003, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. efx2003

    efx2003 Big Geek

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    I have a old GateWay computer that does not work anymore but the "ide harddrive is good". I have a new computer now that has a SATA drive running win xp sp2. Do I need a program to retrieve the old files that are on the old ide hard drive.

    Note: The New computer has a Asus 4pc800-E Deluxe

    If somebody has any advice on what to do Please help me.

    Thank You
  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    You should just be able to hook the old hard disk up, and then take what files you want off it when you next boot up.

    You may have a "Choose OS" message come up, but aside from that, I can see no problems.
  3. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    As Waffle has suggested, you should be able to just put your old hard drive into your newer computer and it should work..

    However.. you will need to set your old hard drive so that the jumpers on it are set to SLAVE, this tells the computer that it is NOT your main hard drive, and that its basically an extra drive for storage..

    You must also make sure on your new computer that you boot devices in your bios are selected correctly, you should set your first boot device to floppy disk, second boot device to SATA or SCSI if SATA is not available, then your third should be your first CDROM drive.

    now save, come out of your bios and start your pc up, you may be given the choice between operating systems ie:

    "WINDOWS 98" (or whatever is detected on your older hard drive)

    select the operating system your newer computer usually runs.. and go into XP, if you goto My Computer and you can see and view the contents of your old hard drive, then thats fine you will be able to copy over any files from it to your newer hard drive.

    If when trying to access your old hard drive, you get errors or you get the message that your hard drive needs to be formatted, you cannot access the drive via Windows and My Computer.

    So go to Start > Run, type: "CMD" (without quotations) and hit "OK" or the Enter button, now type this:

    (X being the drive letter your computer has assigned to your old hard drive)

    then type: dir and hit Enter button, it will now list any files it can find.. if it does show files and directories.. then u can access it but Windows cant.. so you'll need a hard drive recovery program or backup utility to rescue any undamaged data on the hard drive.

    hope this helps :)

    Good Luck

    - PX
  4. efx2003

    efx2003 Big Geek

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    Thanks for help, I will try that. I will let you know if that works.

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