Samsung SH-D162C DVD-ROM Problems

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by rimmer, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    Hi all, just recently I bought an aditional DVD drive for my computer, to go with my current Liteon DVD Writer. I tried installing 3 games, all of which gave me error messages, I also tried DVD Videos, which all lagged every 1.5 second, and didnt continue for 5 seconds later. So I sent this drive back today, thinking it was faulty, got my new one and its doing the same problems.

    This is how I originally wanted it:

    Primary master: SAMSUNG DVD-ROM
    Primary slave: LITEON DVD WRITER

    Secondary master and slave: NONE

    then I tried:

    Primary master: LITEON
    Secondary master: SAMSUNG

    and just now I tried updating the firmware from samsung's website, (the update actually came out today :D) and I had no luck.

    Just this second, I have put the samsung as Primary master, with no other IDE devices, and again, no luck, the guy at the shop said the one i returned works on his fine. Does anybody know why my PC is doing this?

    I have tried: installing ACPI something or other for windows xp
    updating the firmware
    different discs, 3 games, and a DVD video that plays PERFECTLY on EVERY other DVD device it is played on
  2. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Have u tried different IDE cable, which u knw is working....??
  3. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    if using a new IDE cable doesn't work, try setting the drives as C/S (cable select)[ot]i have all my drives set to C/S, cos i'm always changing them from master or slave, cos jumpers only remove and reconnect about 50 times[/ot]
  4. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Is it a limitation or something that we cant move jumpers after 50 times like region settings in a DVD drives?
  5. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    [ot]that's why i was wanting to buy some jumpers[/ot]
  6. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    I have tried 3 different IDE cables, and I am having no luck, all 3 cables have worked on everything else they have been connected to, and I'm going to try cable select right now :)
  7. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    ok, im back, cable select didn't solve anything :( what i may have forgotten to mention, is the drive LED on the front, flashes a few times, stops for about 10 seconds, reads again, (the LED flashes a few times again) and say if i try to install something, the install bar carries on, slowly, and EVERY time I try to install anything, it comes up with a message: "data error, cyclic redundancy check" and if i try to play a DVD, it is smooth for 2 or 3 secs, then the LED goes off, and when it flashes again, the DVD continues, for another few secs, the process repeats...

    I might end up giving this drive to me dads PC if i cant work it on this one :( but thats a last resort, keep the ideas comin :D thanks all
  8. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    well that would be the way to go, trying the drive in another system

    Edit: that would eliminate your system as having a problem, if it does work then scan for adware and viruses in safe mode
  9. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    yea the thing is, my dads PC has only been opened 3 times in 2 years, once to replace the onboard VGA, again to upgrade the Geforce 4 MX to an FX5700 and recently to put a floppy disk drive in, he is not the type who likes his PC open much, so if i do put it in his PC, it would have to stay in, plus according to the guy at the shop, they work fine in his PCs, If i really have to, i`ll try it on my mates PC soon, to be honest, I bought the drive for THIS PC really and when I handed over the cash and received it, I expected it to work, like every other drive did that I had bought of him too, Oh yea, and before anybody says "reinstall windows" I have already been there, did it a week ago, AFTER installing the drive for a 1st time. :( this is so frustrating

    Cheerz for your ideas anyway, keep em comin *thumbs up*
  10. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    is the IDE connector plugged in the correct way round, the red stripe on the IDE cable to pin 1 on the drive
    well the next logical step is to eliminate your system as the problem, do you know anyone else with a system to try the drive in their system, you could also try booting an OS from the CD drive (either a linux Live CD or your Win XP SP1 (or above) CD)

    it won't do any harm to ask him if you can test the drive in his system, it is part of the diagnostic process, to eliminate your system
  11. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    ok last night, i spent 2 hours in safe mode: doing a full system scan, and enabled scanning archive files, basically it scanned EVERYTING, with my virus scanner "avast! antivirus" and it was all up to date, then i restarted again in safe mode to run lavasoft ad aware SE personel, it found 80+ entries and removed them all, restarted again, in safe mode, ran spybot, it picked up 1 entry, removed it successfully.

    All were up to date

    Had little luck, but not none, I put in my call of duty 2 DVD and before I had done all this, the autorun came up with an "error report: cod2.exe - send report/dont send" etc. but today the auto run worked and came up, however, the drive is still extremely slow and still plays DVDs that I KNOW FOR A FACT work, veeerrrryyyy slowly and jumpy. it still takes 20 mins to copy 20mb from that call of duty 2 DVD, that i randomly tried while exploring the Disc

    we may be eliminating the problem, i`ll try the drive in me mates PC soon too, if all we try doesnt work :(

    thanks :D keep em comin ;)
  12. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    here we go, video for you all, this is me, trying to put call of duty 2 in the drive, and the autorun comes up with an error message, i then try to copy a 20 meg file from the disc, that as u can see, says will take 14 mins, and keeps increasing, it also shows u the drive itself n what its doing in the copy period.

    both drives set to CS

  13. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i can view the screen image but it's v v unclear what your system is actually doing, try testing the drive in another system and let us know the results

    BTW: are there any scratches on the disc

    BTW: removing spy ware & stuff will prevent problems, run ad aware, spybot & avast at least once a week
  14. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    no, the game works on any other drives, has VERY small scratches, if htey can be called scratches, and NO fingermarks, and the drive still does it with DVD video's, lags if you try to play them, will try to get it tested in me m8s PC ASAP. I`ll be back with results

    Cheers :D PS: if it works on his, what other suggestions does anybody have?

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