Hi everyone I just bought a SATA DVD-RW drive (SonySony AD7200SGB) and installed it into SATA 2. (The first connector is being used for my primary HDD). I start windows (XP, sp3), and it just seems to hang on the startup screen forever. My motherboard is an Asus M2N-MX, and it also has an IDE HDD and CD-ROM installed. RAID is off in the bios, and the bios is detecting the drive. I disabled IDE and it started up fine (very slowly, but it made it) and the drive worked - however on a restart the problem came back. I've tried all the different SATA connectors, switched power cords and SATA cables around, fiddled with the bios setup, all to no avail. Unplugging the DVD drive fixes everything so I know that it is the problem. Any idea why it isn't working? Thanks in advance, - Adam