sata hard disk

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by leadshot, Dec 19, 2004.

  1. leadshot

    leadshot Geek Trainee

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    hi everyone can any one help me please.i am using a soltek motherboard and cannot get my sata hard drive to work.i have tried to set up windows onit but it is not reconised my drive,i have installed the fast track controller driver plus the sata raid driver but it still dosnt reconise the drive,i went in to the bios and made it the first boot(scsi)windows tried to load then asked to install the raid driver,then deceided there was no drive to install to.yet if i enter the raid stup it can see my 120gb hard,why?hoping some one can throw some light on this one.
    regards and all the best leadshot :confused:
  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    It's not formatted right? Assuming that's the case, you will need to do that before you can see it under 'My Computer'

    Right click on My Computer ---> Manage. Now go to Disk Management. You'll be able to see all drives connected to the system. You should be able to see the drive now, but it's unusable until you format it. Right click on the drive you want to fomat to bring up the menu, and formatting should be one of the options. After it's formatted you can assign a drive letter to it, which will make it viewable under My Computer.
  3. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Could you be a bit more specific on your system specs, including brands? Offhand, I can't see anything that should be causing this problem, but then again, I don't know enough about what you have to accurately make that assessment.
  4. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    I know someone with a Soltek as their motherboard....not exactly what I'd call reliable.

    Check out what their sites description is in google.

    Mainboards from a Total Quality producer. - 5k"

    5kb??? That must be a kick ass homepage!

    Also last time I tried, the "operation timed out when trying to contact this location"...

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