i've just done a clean install of my SATA drive.. with windows XP, all went v.smoothly and incredibly quickly, installed / formatted in about 18 minutes however... *dum dum duhhhhh!* i ran 3dmark01se guess what my score was with my X800Pro? 10,100 ..... so i figured oh oh.. theres something wrong here.. i tested the video card in my brothers machine a MUCH lesser spec machine.. and he gets 19,300 .. (with PC2700 and a 1.8ghz and shity motherboard)... so there is something definately wrong.. so its not the card.. and if i stick my old hard drive back in (which still has a full OS on) everything runs perfectly.. i have only installed XP Pro no SP1 or anything.. my hard drive isn't being slow.. because i copied over 3GB in a matter of 30 seconds or something.. from a cd.. do u think its the XP install? random programs won't open.. they run in the background.. but they don't actually open.. i followed harracks guide for installing drivers & updates e.t.c.. also.. when i boot up to XP, whilst the XP login screen (welcome screen) is appearing it appears as if it is almost lagging.. (as if no video drivers are installed) if i move windows around in XP it doesnt lag.. neither does 3dmark01.. it runs perfectly even tho the score is incredibly low.. i havn't changed anything bar.. removed my old drive.. and installed 1 x 160gb Sata for boot with winxp on.. (no service packs) is this likely to be the XP install?
for the low score I think its because you got "Vertical Sync" on, you will need to go to the graphics card option, and make sure its set to off are you using the latest 4.7 drives? for the other issues, you could install updates for windows to see if that helps!
vsync is off, from searching the web, i am finding alot of people with different SATA drives that have experienced the same problems or are experiencing these problems.. i think the problem may have occured when i updated my bios.. from version FC to FF..
Hmmm, maybe i should check out the performance of my vid card too..... I too am using a SATA drive.... How does it perform otherwise (ie: in actual games?)... Edit: hmmm.... i too have an nforce2 board, maxtor drive, and ATI card... *dum dum duhhhh* :sick: