I have been having issues with my hdd. It works most of the the time, but once in a while it will boot to DHCP..... config screen. All I have to do to fix this is unplug the hdd and plug back in, then it boots fine, usually. I've also recently started bridging my internet connection to my xbox and it always crashes in 30 min with a memory dump, when this happens it isn't able to boot hdd with a screen unable to find bootable device, again I unplug the sata and then back in, usually takes 2 times to do this, but it boots back up fine, eventually. I have used 2 diff sata cables and same issue happens with both. I've done checks on the hdd and it finds no errors. I've even downloaded the imo seagate tool and it finds nothing wrong with the hdd itself. Has anyone seen this or know why this could be happening? This has started with vista and happened more often with vista since I upgraded to win 7 its not as often, but still very troublesome.