Okay, Ive been looking around these forums... And I've KIND OF picked up that theres not a lot of Internet Explorer fans. (and big fans of Firefox) Although I'm using IE right now, (its only because ive tried to uninstall it soo many times, but my family is hooked on IE, so its alway in my program bar thingy, lol) Anyway - I downloaded the AOL Browser: Is that good? Also, is Safari only for Mac? Sorry if this is on the wrong board. Thanks!
I would avoid AOL, at all costs. If you want an alternative try Netscape navigator, got to be better than AOL. Safari AFAIK is only for Mac.
Dude AOL sucks ass in everything except AIM. And in the case of AIM it's only decent, not good ... and it seems to be going downhill on that front too. So yeah screw aol browser. Why not try what everyone on this forum prefers? Which is Firefox and/or Opera.
If you read the news then you can see there are so many security flaws in the IE like http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/5889.html Its todays news and I have read the same thing so many times. So, no to IE anytime. At work I have to use IE coz I cant install any other browser. I am using Mozilla firefox coz dats the best and secured internet browser~!
AOL is basically IE with a different screen. I would go with Firefox or Opera too. Netscape isn't bad. IE and AOL are horrible.
The Netscape of today is running over Internet Explorer's engine, so it's basically a shell. Although it can run off Firefox's engine as well, it's set to IE by default. Please don't recommend Nutscrape, it's a horrible, bloated, unstable and sluggish browser. It will leave it's mark all over your computer, like a virus, and hijack your homepage. You will be bombarded with AOL, AOL and AOL, as well as all the other advertising you can think of. It's a lost ship, and it's glory days are long gone. :devil: Opera and Firefox are your best alternatives on the Windows platform. I suggest you try both of them, and see which one you prefer
Hey! No one brought this one up yet: Mozilla. Not mozilla firefox but the mozilla suite. The original thing which firefox was an offshoot of. What do u guys think about that one? As a matter of fact, I still have it on my comp and my desktop. I used to use it until quite recently because back in the day when I first decided to try an alternative browser, firefox sucked cuz it was buggy and it would constantly stop responding to my mouse scroller, and that was really really frustrating. And then I never went back to trying anything new for a while. Anyway, what do u guys think of it? Recommend it at all? At least it comes with a pre-installed cool theme (the modern theme) which is 1,000% better than the firefox crappy (in my humble opinion, of course) default look.
Nothing wrong with the Mozilla suite, it just doesn't seem to interest me as much as Opera and Firefox.
My squaters were the same. In the end, I told them why IE is a 'no go' and basicaly made FF the default browser. When they had no choice, they realised that FF is not just one of their alfa male crazes and stopped kicking. Everyone's happy and the computer safer..... Put your foot down man! What are you? A man or a mouse?
I did the same. My dad wanted a computer that "just worked" and didn't have all the "spyware & viruses" slowing down his previous system. So I said: "Okay, but we'll have to get rid of IE..." Reluctantly he agreed. I installed Firefox on the PC and removed all shortcuts to IE. My dad, mother, brother, sister (none of them very adept technically) all use it, and they haven't complained a single time! (Well, dad did when one of the updates 'broke' the bookmarks... I had to fix that myself). It's been running smoothly ever since (with help of some regular Antivirus checks, Spyware checks, updates, etc...). I expected more complaints, but got none. What's strange is, that they love the download function, as it gives quick access to the history of what they downloaded.
I would use Opera. Its like Firefox, but in my opinion, its more secure and much faster. Do not use AOL Explorer or Netscape. Those will mess up your system like a virus would. Try Opera 8.0. www.Opera.com