This is sort of a personal suggestion that most of you probably won't care about but I think it would be pretty cool and helpful if the suscribed theads button glowed a little to indicated someones responded, sort of like the PM alert but maybe a little more subtle. I just love to get responces to my threads or threads I suscribe to (makes me all giddy...) but this feature would save me the trouble of repetadly clicking on the suscribed threads button only to find that nobodys posted, *sigh*... Just thinking, it's probably a pain in the butt to do and I'm the only one who wants it so don't sweat it.
hmmm, do you mean you want to know when someone has replied to a subscribed thread? if so go to and go to the "Default Thread Subscription Mode" part and select "instant...." it will send you a email every time somone replies. let me know if this is what you ment?
I get that, but I'm a lazy bum, it's about total convienence, sort of like how you can order a pizza without leaving the screen thru Everquest II, lazy gamers don't wanna pick up the phone, lazy Exfoliate can't make himself open outlook and have it authenticate, register, recieve etc. It would be just as easy to click on the suscribed threads button. Thanks for the reply though dude.
I think Exfoliate is suggesting some sort of instant notification that doesn't involve doing the private message pop-up...that way he knows instantly without having to do anything further...