Hello guys, I got a virus trying to download some driver updates form (what turned out to be) an unsafe site, got rid of them, reinstalled windows and everything is working fine EXCEPT for the fact that everytime i boot up it during the windows loading screen my laptop starts beeping as if I'm holding down one or several keys; if i press any key before it gets to the loading screen, it doesn't beep. But anyways, after it loads up windows it works as if I am constantly pressing Enter (meaning everything i click on acts as if I press enter). Now I have basic knowledge on both hardware and software, but i have no idea on how to go about fixing something that seems to be related to the keyboard. Any help or hints ?
How old is this laptop ? And Did it do this before the Virus ? Is there any errors ? how many beeps are there ?
The laptop is bought 1 year and 5 months ago, the model is from 2010 (if that is what you are asking), It did not behave that way before the virus. Errors as ? I just formatted and reinstalled windows, so i don't think so, but how would i check? Non stop beeps while it loads up windows, no discernible pattern.
This could be a number of things, From a keyboard going bad to a low bio's battery... Are you running Xp ? Open the door where your ram is and reseat your ram.. Also right click on my computer, click on manage and then event viewer, look under Windows logs, look for errors under system and Applications ..
I am running Win 7 right now. I opened the ram cleaned them, checked both rams for errors using memtest from a linux boot disk, removed the HDD, booted up with only rams and it beeps, booted up without rams and hdd and doesnt beep (nor doest it do anything else). checking now for errors (on a different laptop). what other things could cause this ?
I have found errors with tag WMI (2 errors) and VSS (1 error) as well as several WMI warnings and some warnings under systems but those are abouth the ethernet and lan. also of note that when I first load up windows i cant really type, it seems as if the keyboard is stuck and pressing keys for a short while....
The beeping is Weird, Can you try a USB keyboard to test to see if it might be the onboard keyboard.. Also you can run a test on your hard drive.. Right click on your C: drive, Click on Properties, then tools... now choose error checking, check now but make sure you have both dots checked.. Reboot and start test, when test is over then see what happens..
running hdd test now, but how do i connect only the usb keyboard without the onboard one, when starting up windows ?
Just Hook up the USB keyboard and the restart the computer, It will automatically find your keyboard... Then see if there are Any beeps.. You can't unhook the onboard keyboard...
This is not good, It could be getting hot... Can you get into the bio's and look under health an see the cpu temp? Could be the motherboard going bad. Has this laptop ever been Dropped ?