Virgin Media - New Modem

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Isaac, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. Isaac

    Isaac Geek Trainee

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    My family have been with Virgin Media for about 6 years, and it's always been very stable and have always received our speeds that we pay for; our old NTL modem broke that we have had for 6 years, and now since we got a new Virgin Media one, the internet is nothing like it used to be. We get lag spikes all the time, and times when the internet just stops. Also, a P2P game me and my bro play together feels almost unplayable now called Warrock.

    We both used to be able to play in rooms with 16 users, which means we'd both be sending and recieving packets to 16 different users twice over which is 32, and our internet would not lag whatsoever, however, with our new modem we can't do that anymore, it just becomes unplayable and we get overall pings of 4-6 seconds and it just builds up.

    Does Virgin Media limit P2P on their new modems or is it because the modem is faulty? because we did have a lot of problems when we first got it.

    Do you think if we got a new modem from Virgin Media it'd work better, or does the modem work like that?

    I can't understand how a 6 year old NTL modem could be so stable but a brand new one has so many problems.

    Has anyone else experienced these problems with Virgin Media?

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