Vista Problems

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by donkey42, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i don't know if this is a bug, but it was bl00dy annoying anyway, i set up permission to access D drive and strangly all users & admin had resricted access to D: so, i had a cig & a think, as i'm happier on Linux anyway i logged into 1 admin account & deleted the other admin account and recreated a new admin account with same name as the 1 i deleted, then i logged out of that admin account & logged into the admin account i'd just created and deleted the other admin account (the 1 i was previously logged into) and deleted and recreated a new admin account of the same name, please add your own problem fixes or workarounds, or post asking for Vista help
  2. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    I personally think that you accidentally gave the Everyone group a deny permission. Anyway in the Advanced section of the security-tab you can change the ownership to your own account.
    Okay, here are some common problems with fixes:

    I'm continuously having HDD activity.
    1. Go to My Computer, and right-click on the 1st partition (in most cases C: ). Go to the tab Tools, and click on Defragmentation. Uncheck the 'automatic' option and close all windows. Do the same with all other partitions.
    2. Go to Start > Run (windows key+R) and enter "services.msc". Look for "Windows Search" and double-click on it. Click on "Stop" and Select "Disabled" in the drop-down menu. Now click on OK.

    When logged on with a limited rights user account, I can't perform Administrator tasks. Not even when the correct credentials are given.
    A common problem with Vista is that is relies on User Account Control. When UAC is turned on, you can perform administrative tasks with a limited user account (like in 2000 and XP) by choosing Run As, and then entering the Administrator Credentials. When UAC is turned off, it also allows you to enter the credentials. But after entering these credentials, it just ignores the command that you give to Vista (like removing a file or folder). In this case, just turn on UAC. This can be done in the User Accounts page in Control Panel. Look for "Turn User Account Control on/off" and click on it. Put a check mark there, and reboot when asked.

    No transparency after upgrading graphics card driver.
    This happens in most cases if the graphics card is newer than Vista. Only 2D options are available, and you need to install the 3D graphics drivers. After the reboot, you might notice that the windows and task bar are not transparent. This is easy to solve. First of all, make sure that you have 3D acceleration. Just open a few windows, and then press Windows key + Tab to bring up Flip 3D. If the windows jump into a 3D position, you got 3D acceleration up and running.

    Right-click on the desktop and choose "Personalize". Now go to "Window Color and Appearance". Now choose "open classic appearance properties". At the Color Scheme drop-down box, choose "Windows Aero" and click on OK.
  3. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    Wow to many of the words admin account :doh: anyways since when did you start using Vista???
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    2 admin accounts:doh:
    i got a system from parents for birthday & apparently i'm not allowed to put Linux anywhere near it

    but they didn't say anything about Cygwin, so, installed it

    so, technically i'm not doing anything wrong, am i?

    i love technicallities
  5. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    [ot]Put windows 95 on it and damn their impudence![/ot]
  6. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    I count seven occasions where you use the words admin account in your thread anyways
  7. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    :doh: i thought you ment, how many admin accounts are you using on Vista

    [​IMG][ot]i've done a few sig pics for you but a HDD died and i've being a bit preoccupied with security and the release of debian 5 yesterday, i will get around to it[/ot]

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